Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Years Resolution

Hello Everyone!
I have put this off way too long. My new years resolutions list is very long and this is one that is on the top of the list! The list is long so priority is important! I will keep this as current as I can. My goal is to post at least twice a week.
What is going on in my world. Well I am currently learning lots of new things for my business. Great changes ahead and feedback will be great! I am not only doing photography but also teach Behind the Wheel driving. So shuffling my schedule is the name of the game right now. You can call me for an appt. and leave a msg if I do not answer (I am probably with students). I am revamping everything and have a lot to figure out but I have support to get me through:) I look forward to a wonderful 2011!
Thanks for visiting and please check back soon:) Become a follower also! Spread the word if you can:) That would be greatly appreciated! I look forward to your comments and socializing with all of you!
Sincerely, Angie

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